Sunday, June 29, 2008


Food diary for 1 day.
I wouldn't say that this is very healthy. Although there were some healthy choices it also lacked in a lot of places. I found the food list hard to use because it didn't have exactly some of the foods I was looking for like granola bars. I didn't have pb&j, it was actually peanut butter and honey sandwich. I think I also had 2 hot wings but didn't locate them on the site.
The things I would change about this days eating and probably everydays eating would be more fruit and veggies, and some protein. I also think that this kind of nutritional tracking is great especially for someone who is trying to get on the right track with a healthier lifestyle and possibly to drop some pounds. If we see what we are eating it helps to change and cut out the high calorie, high salt and fat items. It puts things in perspective and cuts out some of the counting work for us.
I didn't look at the other website the daily plate until after I was done with the other. It seems to be a neat website for somebody who is trying to get healthier and lose weight and it tracks your goals and everything that is needed to be successful. I may actually try this site.

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