Monday, June 30, 2008


Today, food takes on a whole new meaning than it did, I don't know 50 years or so ago. Now we have things that are pre-packaged for convenience, or already cooked just needs to be warmed. Nobody, or few people, wonders where it is from or how it got here to the table. The obesity rate seems to be rising each and every year, we have drive-thrus that make it even easier and sometimes a lot unhealthier.

First of all, I love food. And yes I know how busy life can be and how awesome it is to have a lot of convenience in our lives like McDonalds for instance. So many things have changed over many, many years. Generations ago you never heard of "eating out" or TV dinners. Everything was fresh homemade and much better for you. There actually was a time when people grew or raised everything needed to make a good hearty meal. Where was obesity then? When people had to grow their own food they got a lot more exercise and pleasure growing their own sustenance. You took greater pride in "I grew that". Even today, in our own gardens do we not take greater pride in doing it ourselves.

Today, we have all kinds of processed foods, which yes are hard to get away from once you start using them. Whole foods are a lot healthier and taste a lot better. I am a busy mom of three and I know how life is so busy you don't think of some of the things that you are feeding your body. Reading the short article by Slow foods USA was awesome. It talked about taking pleasure in food, enjoying the taste, knowledge of where it came from and choice, where we get it. I will be honest I don't search out the farmers markets where I live, and sometimes they seem more pricey and it is not CONVENIENT. (There is that word again)

After reading some of these food articles it gave me new perspective on some of their ideas. Searching out farmers markets, just knowing where does my food come from. Is is healthy, does it taste good, and did I enjoy it? If we as a society take pride in what we put on the table we will become healthier and happier and our bodies will love us for it.

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