Monday, June 30, 2008


In the following lab we will be testing metabolic rate and the effects of exercise on different readings. We will measure pulse rate, respiration rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The initial readings will be at rest and then we will read them after activities. These activities will include being at work, meditating at home and a brisk 6 minute walk.

My hypothesis for these tests are as follows. In both being at work and the 6 minute walk all metabolic readings will increase. In the meditating, the metabolic readings will either stay the same or hopefully, drop even if ever so slightly.

The methods and materials being used to test the metabolic rates are: Taking a radial pulse, using a portable, automatic blood pressure machine, and just counting the chest as it rises and falls for respiration rate.

Here is a picture of the blood pressure machine used for all BP readings.

Here is an example on how to take a radial pulse.
In the following pictures is my daughter demonstrating the activities, if I wanted somewhat good pictures this was the best way for me to go. You can also tell she looks sooo excited to be doing this. I do not have a picture of me at work but I will describe it to you. I am a CNA and this particular day I worked on the special care unit with about 20 residents and there was myself and one other person on the floor that day because other CNA's had called in sick. Hopefully, you understand a little of what this is, it was very stressful!(my blood pressure shows it.)
This is Danielle demonstrating the walking activity, she is very excited about it.
This is Danielle trying to meditate.
In the following graphs are all the results of this lab.

In the graph, there three at rest readings shown in blue and then the activities reading next to them. Work activity is in black, meditating is in red and walking is in green. The at rest reading before these individual colors are taken right before that certain activity.

This graph has respiration rate and it follows the same pattern as in the pulse rate graph.

This graph shows systolic rate, follow pattern as mentioned above.

This graph shows diastolic rate, follows pattern as mentioned above.

As for my hypothesis it was indeed correct. In the activity of going to work my blood pressure was 127/74 at rest and 140/80 after work. Pulse was 72 at rest and 84 after work. Respiration rates were 16 at rest 18 after work. While meditating my blood pressure was 127/74 at rest and 126/65 after meditating. Pulse was 72 at rest and 64 after meditating. Respiration rates were 16 at rest and 15 after meditating. While taking the brisk walk my blood pressure at rest was 112/74 and 131/77 after walking. Pulse was 82 at rest and 104 after walking. Respiration rate at rest was 16 and 20 after walking.

In conclusion, most activities will raise all the metabolic rate readings. If doing activities to relax and calm down all metabolic rates should drop a little or stay relatively the same. As you can see from my readings all metabolic rates went up in activities and drop slightly while relaxing to get the numbers back into a normal range. Increasing our metabolic rates gets our heart pumping and moving blood through our system a lot faster and helps our cells burn off calories and more fat etc. This is why people who are trying to diet need to exercise to increase their metabolism. Increasing our metabolic rates helps our bodies in lots of ways.

For some reason the pictures and text didn't want to cooperate, hope you get the idea!!

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