Wednesday, July 16, 2008


First of all, I think every stage is very important and it was hard to pick ten.

Anyway, the list of stages I picked are: 1. Conception/Fertilization, 2. Nervous system beginning to develop, 3. Heart development, 4. limb buds and sensory organs, 5. Bone and facial features, all systems are developing, 6. fetal movement felt by mother, skeleton is visible, hair, and gender 7. Heartbeat heard, protective cheesy coating called vernix, pain and heart 8. Skeleton, gender, hair 9. Grasp things, heartbeat can be heard, protective coating 10. Fetus is almost ready.

The first event I chose is Fertilization. To me it is significant because this is when it all starts and begins to form. All chromosomes are present and unique life begins. See illustration.*

Second event - On day 22 the heart beats and pumps own blood. This is significant because it is starting to become more of a life with its own heart beat.

Third event - Nervous system in week 3 starts to develop. Blood vessels are present. Placenta starts to also form. Its important because the nervous system "runs" the body. This is how we feel things etc.

Fourth event - In week 5, limbs and hands, nose, eyes and ears are noticeable. Important because we know that smelling, seeing and hearing are developing and all 4 limbs are present.

Fifth event - Week 8 - All systems are developing, bone, and facial features. Important because bone is starting to form to protect organs and systems that are developing. Becoming someone unique with facial features starting to be noticeable. See illustration.**

Sixth event - Weeks 10 and 11 - All systems are functioning. Important because the baby starts to "breathe" amniotic fluid and helps lungs develop.

Seventh event - Week 12 and 14 - baby can feel pain, heart is pumping well. I feel this stage is important because the baby can feel and his own heart is pumping several quarts of blood a day.
See illustration.**

Eighth event - Month 4 -Skeleton, gender, hair. Knowing the skeleton is developing by being able to see it at this stage. To a mom it is sometimes important for her to know gender and to see hair growing on their little heads. See illustration.*

Ninth event - 5-6 months - Heartbeat is heard, baby grasps things and protective coating forms. For a mom there is nothing better than hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time and watching the baby hold things in the womb. Also, the protective coating, which is the vernix, helps protect delicate skin from the amniotic fluid. See illustration.**

Tenth event - 7-9 months - Baby is almost ready. Here it is important to know that the eyes open and close, uses 4 out of 5 senses, relate to the mood of the mother, immune system is forming and getting stronger, the heart pumps about 300 gallons of blood per day. To know that the "thing" growing inside the womb is a little person ready to come and meet the world.
See illustration.**

This was a fairly easy lab, but every website I looked at had things a little different. It was extremely hard to tell what I thought were the most significant events are and some of them I took from a moms point of view. For example, knowing the heart beats, and there are fingers, toes, arms, and legs. Gender is also important, although I never found out what the gender was of my babies until they were born. I think every stage from day 1 is equally important in development because it all benefits a final result, a baby.

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