Saturday, July 12, 2008


I do not think we will find anybody that says excercise is not good for you. For optimal health, we all know, even if we do not want to admit it, exercise is the way to go. It helps keep diabetes at bay, keeps down blood pressure, helps us keep lean muscles, our bones strong and overall to feel good. Yes, there are many things exercise does for us and many more that can be listed, but what keeps, what seems to be the majority, of our society from doing it?

Obesity has become so prevalent in our "world" now that our children seem to be suffering the most from it. Having the highest obesity rate among kids is nothing to be proud about. We should never have to put our kids on diets. Our society has changed so much that we pass on "laziness" to our kids. I don't mean lazy by just sitting around the couch all day. Who has time for that anyway? Not using our time as wisely as it could be and teaching a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and exercise.

The number 1 excuse for no exercise is "I don't have time" to exercise or eat healthy. Our lives have become so filled with things to do and errands to run. We overextend ourselves and then we have no time to take care of ourselves which should involve excercise.

I think that all of us, including myself, need to slow down in life. Things change all the time and we need to enjoy it. Exercise doesn't need to be sweating in the gym for hours, it could be just a walk after dinner with the family, or a game of soccer in the yard. Oh yes, what it would be like to have the energy of a ten year old. I feel exercise can restore some of that energy. Our schools are trying to instill the importance of exercise in our kids for the next generation and I think we should follow their lead by acting upon what they are teaching them and to know how great exercise really is. FUN!!!! If it is not fun you could be doing something wrong. Restore the fun and life. Go for a walk! Lets keep major diseases under control with a little exercise.

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

Joy/Violet Sanchez

Beautiful compendiujms with great info, well organized, lots of images from the publisher that you use so well..


Great job on this…nice images from the lab.

Interesting result---your husband hated the lab, but he was a rare individual who, I think you’re right as you say, got the hand working so fast that he was able to generate enough heat so that the temperature had little effect—usually it slows things down in the ice water.

LAB PROJECT: LIMB MODEL: Great job on this model..I can see everything and you do a good job of summing up to tell how it all comes together…the one thing I’m not sure is how the muscle cell fits in on the limb and if you really understand how that causes movement..but more in A and P!

I think you are so right—slowing down and seeing the fun in it…but how to get people past the rush to earn money!

Joy, this unit looks great! I’m amazed how your husband got the same data in ice water—but there are always unusually individuals that make experiments so necessary to repeat! The data look great throughout…I can see you really dedicated to this basically perfect unit!