Saturday, July 12, 2008


Temperature Number of fists
Normal 40
Ice water 39
Apparently the cold slowed down the muscle a little bit here. It may turn out different depending on who is making the fists. My husband actually did this here and it didn’t hinder him to much. He said that when he started making fists after the cold water the movement quickly warmed his hand back up to make fists easier.

Trial - #of squeezes in 20 seconds
1 - 37
2 - 36
3 - 35
4 - 31
5 - 28
6 - 27
7 - 25
8 - 22
9 - 20
Just a note, my husband hated this lab. Especially after he understood what he was supposed to do.
1. What are the three changes you observed in a muscle while it is working (contracted)?
2. What effect did the cold temperature have on the action of your hand muscles? Explain.
3. In Figure 3, make a line graph of your results of the fatigue experiment. Be sure to fill in the values on the vertical axis.
4. What effect did fatigue have on the action of your hand muscles? Explain.

Answers to questions above.
1. The movement and the difference in the firmness of the muscle, it fatigues faster.
2. At first, it slowed them down, but upon resuming movement or exercise the muscle seemed to warm up fairly quickly.
3. No graph required.
4. After the muscle started getting fatigued it was hard to move it as fast as initially started. It was also hard to keep the same hard grip and intensity as when the exercise was started.
When we get cold or tired I think that it takes our bodies longer to do something. With the ice water, everything in his hand got cold. When he was doing the exercise the blood pumps a little slower and the muscle fiber is a little slower to react. But when the blood started getting through there and warming things up everything started getting back to normal and to a regular tempo. In whole, when I get tired I don't want to move and certainly don't want to make my muscles move. Now, I didn't realize my muscles had to do so much to move and now when they tell me "I am tired" I am going to let them relax a little longer.

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