Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Here is this picture of the manipulator with oscillope trace.

Here is the neuron with dye under ultraviolet light. Look closely and you can see the shape of a sensory neuron.

Here in this illustration is the neuron being probed by a feather, a probe, and forceps to see any reaction. The neuron tested here is identified as a P cell.

1. Electrode measuring is a way to record the activities of neurons.
2. Leeches were used because they have simpler systems, that are easier to understand and they have a simple nervous system. Which obeys many of the same rules as a complex system like ours.
3. The difference between a sensory and motor neuron is: sensory takes nerve impulses from sensory receptor to the CNS. Motor takes nerve impulses away from the CNS to an effector.
4. Yes, doesn't anything with nerves experience it? Pain is a sensory experience that describes an unpleasant awareness of a noxious(harmful) stimulus or bodily harm.
5. The 2 most interesting things. Well it was hard to pick 2. Dissecting the leech was interesting and probing cells and testing them.
6. No, I didn't find anything confusing about this lab or anything I didn't like.

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