Thursday, July 24, 2008


In thinking about this topic and thinking about the changes in the world how do we answer this question? First of all, I don't think we should be able to decide on who should reproduce. In some countries maybe there should be a little restraint or boundaries. Here in the United States I think families are getting smaller as years go on. Having five or six kids use to be the norm and great. Now two maybe three is enough. For some families the decision of having children is based on income and if it could be afforded. Unfortunately, it is getting more expensive just to live, much less raise a big family. Today, prices of food, gas, electric and other needed amenities is skyrocketing. What can we do? Honestly, I don't have any good answers for that. But we need to do all we can to help preserve.

I know that we as a society are using more of our natural resources than we ever were. I wonder how our grandparents ever survived without big SUV's, cell phones, internet, computers, oh and somebody else to do the cooking. Yes, I love all these things, but maybe we can use them a little less and save some oil. We can also take our part and help save some of these resources. Cutting back on certain things and recycling. Everything created on Earth was meant for us to use and we need to try to ensure that there will be some for the next generation, for my kids to grow up and their kids to grow up.

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