Wednesday, July 9, 2008


First of all, this model did not come out as elaborate as I would have liked. Anyway, I attempted a model of the human arm. The parts you see are the ball joint, bicep, tricep, tendons, hinge joint and the bone. The humerus is the bone attached to the ball joint here in this picture. The ulna and radius would make up the bottom two bones, shown as one in picture, and attached by a hinge joint at the elbow. The bicep and the tricep are the two muscles which help in arm movement.

In this picture, it shows the myosin, actin, and cross bridge. The whole picture is a representation of a sarcomere. It is at its relaxed state here.

In this picture are all the same components from above, but the sarcomere is shown in contracted state, which is what happens in a muscle.

In this picture is one myofibril, it is showed with the sarcolemma covering, which would be around the unit as a whole. It also represents T tubule and sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores the calcium.

In this picture, and I don't know why it turned sideways, is the start of the function of Ca2+.

In this picture it shows Ca2+ binding to troponin, and also exposes mysosin binding sites.

Here is a picture of an action potential with axon covered by myelin sheath.

To sum everything up a little, when muscles are stimulated impulses travel down a T tubule and calcium is released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Muscle fiber contracts as the sarcomere shortens. Actin filaments slide past myosin. The movement of actin filaments in relation to myosin filaments is called the sliding filament model of muscle contraction. The myosin, however, is the one that does all the work. Myosin breaks down ATP, and their cross bridges pull in actin filaments toward center of the sarcomere.
Hopefully this all makes a little sense to you and I hope the pictures explained a lot. It is amazing the details are muscles go through just to move. It brings to mind the muscles in my wrists right now, and how they endure one position for so long. Our bodies are just amazing.

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